On the Computers page, you can view a table of computers and information about them, including their policies, Enforcement Levels, and whether they are currently connected to the server.

By default, the full Computers table includes a Connected column, which indicates template computers by a white circle with a gray border Image of template computers icon. You also can add a Template column to the Computers table using the Show Columns button. This column will show Yes for templates and No for computers that are not templates.

If you want to see only template computers, use the Template Computers Saved View.


  1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears.
  2. Choose Template Computers on the Saved Views menu to see computers that are templates for cloned computers.
    The template computers view showing the list of computers that are templates
  3. The Saved View uses the filter checkbox Template/Yes. Instead of (or in addition to) the Saved View, you can click on Show Filter to further customize the view you have of the Computers table.

    The default Template Computers view includes a Clone Inventory column that shows whether the file inventory of clones from this template includes all files on the clone computers or just files that were added or modified after creation of the clone. Note that the file inventory might also be affected by exclusion of tracking for Microsoft-signed support files. See Excluding Tracking of Microsoft Support Files for details.

View and Edit Template Details

There are several ways to locate a template computer and display its details. You can use the Find Computer portlet on the Home Page to locate the template computer and then drill down to its details.

As with non-template computers, the following procedure describes how you can locate and get details for a template computer through the Computers page.


  1. In the console menu bar, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
  2. In the Computers table, locate the template computer for which you want complete details (for example, searching by name, using the Template Computers Saved View, or using the Computer filters panel).
  3. In the table, click either the name of the template computer or the View Details button next to its name. The Template Details page appears.
    The Template Details page

    Much of the information is the same as for the Computer Details page ( Computer Details (Details page and Computers table), but there are important differences, as shown in the table that follows.

    Table 1. Differences between Template Details and Computer Details
    Field/Menu/Tab Description in Template Details Page
    Template Name Replaces Computer Name on the details page. By default this is the name of the computer from which the template was made. Must be unique.
    IP Address Not present on the Template Details page (has no meaning for a computer that is required to be offline).
    Connection Status Not present on the Template Details page (has no meaning for a computer that is required to be offline).
    Health Check On the Template Details page, this is the last Health Check done before the computer became a template.
    Policy Override tab Not present on the Template Details page.
    Template Settings tab
    Details about the template. It includes the following:
    Date Created
    When the template was created in the App Control Agent.
    Original Computer Name
    The name of the computer when it was converted to a template.
    Original IP Address
    The IP address of the computer when it was converted to template.
    Clone Count
    The current number of clones from this template.
    Clone Inventory
    Whether the file inventory for each clone should include all files, including the files cloned from the template computer, or only new and modified files. See Configuring Clone Inventory.

    Clone Cleanup – When clones for this template should be deleted when offline. See Deleting Clones.

    The following sections only display for templates created using Create Template Image:
    Internal Template
    Default selection is Standard. None and Advanced are additional options.
    You can select if the clones are join to an Active Directory domain.
    You can specify prefix and suffix details.
    Internal Template Tests
    If any changes are made to the Internal Template section, you must Test your settings before the Save button displays.
    Related Views menu
    Show All Cloned Computers
    shows all clones for this template that have been connected to the App Control Server and not yet deleted.
    Health Check Events
    shows the table of Health Check events for this computer before it became a template.
    Files on this Computer
    takes you to a Find Files page with a table of all tracked file instances on the template computer.
    Actions menu
    The single item on this menu changes depending upon conditions:
    Delete Offline Clones
    Appears if the template has clones listed in the console. Deletes all clones of this template that are currently offline.
    Convert to Computer
    Appears if the template has no clones managed by the App Control Server. In this case, you can convert the template computer back to a regular computer and reconnect it to the server, if needed. This is primarily intended to allow you to undo an unintended template conversion.

    The menu does not appear if neither condition applies.

    Advanced menu Not present on the Template Details page.