In addition to going directly to the Find Files page, you can search for file instances by clicking the Find File button The Find File button next to a file name or hash in some tables on other pages. This action initiates a search by hash for all instances of that file.

You can perform such a search from the following pages:

  • Files page (both the Files Catalog tab and the Files on Computers tab)
  • File Group Details page
  • Baseline Drift Report Results page (Files views)
  • Snapshot Content page
  • Find Files page (for instances of one specific file only)
  • Software Rules/Publishers page (for files from one publisher)
  • Approval Request Details page (for instances of a file whose approval is requested)

Other console pages have links that initiate a Find Files search that is pre-configured to find files that are relevant to the page. These include:

  • File name links on the Files page – When you click on a highlighted filename on the Files page, the console displays a Find Files report of all files associated with the named file (that is, files installed by or that are copies of the named file).
  • File Details page and File Instance Details page – The All File Instances link in the Related Views menu initiates a search for the file that corresponds to the details you are viewing.
  • Add/Edit Policy page – The Related Views menu on this page has two file searches: All Files on computers in this policy and Unapproved files on computers in this policy.
  • Computer Details page – The Related Views menu includes Files on this Computer, which displays a Find Files report of all files on the computer.

When Find Files results appear for a query, you can further refine the results by showing or hiding columns and applying additional filters. If the Filters panel is not showing, click the Show Filters link.

You can also find files from the Find Files or Events portlets on the Home Page dashboardt.