Flags are primarily used by VMware Carbon Black Support, but you might find them useful in determining how a file is labeled or handled in your Carbon Black App Control environment.

Global State is the effective Carbon Black App Control classification of each unique file in the File Catalog. It is a combination of the File State and the Publisher State for the file.

Table 1. File Flags



Report Only Ban

File was identified by a console user so that attempts to execute it are reported as if they would have been banned, but it is not blocked from execution.


File was identified as an installer by Carbon Black App Control and is allowed to execute. If executable files are written out by it, they are locally approved.

Installer (Override)

File was identified as not being an installer by Carbon Black App Control, but a console user changed it to installer. If it is allowed to execute, the executable files it writes out are locally approved.

Not installer (Override)

File was identified as an installer by Carbon Black App Control, but a console account user changed its installer status to Not installer.