Certain tables, most notably, the File Catalog and Files on Computers pages, use “dynamic scrolling” (sometimes called “infinite scrolling”), in which more items load as you scroll to the last displayed row. In this mode, there are no defined-length “pages” per se, and the length of the table in the current view is whatever number of rows you have scrolled to. At the bottom of the current view, the number of rows displayed is shown, and as you scroll down, more load.

On dynamic scrolling pages with grouping turned on, including pages that display Unified Management data by server, the page length of an expanded group is initially limited to 25 rows so that you can easily scroll to and expand the next group heading. You can either click on the next group heading to expand it or click one of the Click to load more links to see more rows for the currently displayed group.

A dynamic scrolling page showing Click to load more links

On other pages, for example, the Computers page, the bottom of a table page shows the total number of items in the table and the number of pages in the table. It also provides page navigation buttons for moving between pages in the table and a menu for changing the number of rows displayed per page.

The bottom of the Computer page table showing the navigation buttons

With both scrolled and fixed-length views, if you request an extremely large table, the total number of items in the table (i.e., on all pages, not just the currently displayed page) will show as an approximation, such as More than 10000 items, and display the first page of the table. This allows the console to optimize page loading time and also indicates that you might want to request a table with a more manageable set of data. Consider modifying the view, for example, by changing the Group By choice, or sorting by a different column.

In rare cases, especially with a very large number of App Control Agents and/or an underpowered database server, requesting a table with an extremely large amount of data may cause the App Control Server to time out. Use the techniques mentioned above to reduce the data set.