There are certain requirements that the custom image you provide must meet.

Windows systems on which the Carbon Black App Control Agent is installed include a blank sample notifier image called GenericLogo.gif, which is located in the Carbon Black App Control data directory (by default, ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\images). Assuming that the agent is installed on the Carbon Black App Control Server, you can go to this folder on the server and use GenericLogo.gif as a starting point for creating your own logo image. Otherwise, you can copy it from another system that has the agent installed.

The custom image you provide should meet the following requirements:

  • The image size must be 60 x 60 pixels.
  • The file format must be GIF, JPG or BMP.
  • The image must use the same background as GenericLogo.gif. You cannot use a transparent background.

Logo-Related Events

If all Carbon Black App Control Agents successfully retrieve your custom logo, there are no logo-related events generated. If an agent fails to retrieve its logo file, however, an event of subtype “Agent Error” is generated, noting the computer name and the image file name. If there is a failure to retrieve the logo, another event is generated if the computer later successfully retrieves the custom logo.

Changing the Logo Image

When you specify a non-local image as the notifier logo (i.e., using a UNC or URL path), that image is copied to each agent system, including the server if it has the agent installed. If you change the non-local image but do not change its name, Carbon Black App Control Agents do not update to the changed image.

To update the logo image for a notifier, change the name of the image file and update the Notifier logo path for that policy.

For example, if you deploy a custom logo \\server\share\mylogo.gif and you then modify the logo, you can rename the file to mynewlogo.gif and edit the path in the notifier details to \\server\share\mynewlogo.gif. Agents in that policy update to the new image.

Image files downloaded to agents are not updated or deleted. Because of this, if you switched from logo1.gif to newlogo.gif, and then you switched back to logo1.gif, the originally downloaded version of logo1.gif is used, even if you had modified the source image file at the location you entered for download.

Suppressing the Notifier Logo in a Policy

You can prevent display of the notifier logo for all notifiers in a policy. The Suppress Logo in Notifier checkbox on the Add/Edit Policy page suppresses the logo, regardless of what the notifier configuration in each notifier specifies.