Use the Related Views menu from the Certificate Details menu for additional information about a certificate and how it is being used in your environment.

Not all Related Views choices are available for all certificates. The view options are:

  • All files signed by this certificate – Displays the Find Files page filtered to show all file instances signed by this certificate (i.e., for which this is the “leaf” certificate).
  • All unique files signed by this certificate – Displays the File Catalog page filtered to show all unique files signed by this certificate.
  • Files signed by certificates with this certificate in path – Displays the Find Files page filtered to show all file instances that have this certificate in their certificate path.
  • All child certificates for this certificate – Displays the Certificates page filtered to show child certificates at any level below this certificate. Does not appear for Leaf certificates.
  • All events for this certificate – Displays the Events page filtered to show events related to this certificate. This includes creation or deletion of bans and approvals, discovery or addition of certificates, and certificate checks.