Use this procedure to enable the AD Mapping Interface within the Carbon Black App Control console.


  1. In the console menu, click the configuration (gear) icon and choose System Configuration. The System Configuration page appears.
  2. If the General Settings view is not already displayed, click the General tab. The second panel on the General tab is Active Directory/LDAP integration.
    The System Configuration for AD LDAP integration
  3. In the Active Directory/LDAP Integration panel, click the Test button next to Test AD connectivity. If you see a Success message, continue to the next step. If you see an Error message, your App Control Server is unable to access AD. AD Mapping will not work until you correct the problem.
  4. If AD connectivity succeeds, click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.
  5. In the AD-based Policy dropdown menu, choose Enabled.
  6. In the Search Level dropdown menu, select Global Catalog for the AD browser to search all domains, or select LDAP for a restricted search.
  7. To submit the changes, click the Update button and choose Yes on the confirmation dialog.