Deletion of certain files could prevent proper operation of your endpoints. To minimize this possibility, some files are protected from deletion via the console, including files identified as operating system files and files necessary for operation of the agent.

You can request deletion of these files, but they will not be deleted on endpoints, and the Events page will shows a File deletion failed error event.


When you issue a delete command, you are asked to confirm the decision, but once you do, there is no undo or restore available. The files Carbon Black App Control excludes from deletion are probably not the only files critical for proper operation of your endpoints. Keep this in mind when choosing to delete a file.

Also, the delete file commands do not completely “wipe” a file from a system. This could lead to system instability, including crashes or failure to start an application, if there are still references to the file. For example, if a process that does implicit linking depends on a DLL that has been deleted, the application will not start. It is even possible that malware that you want to delete has registered other services as being dependent upon it, making these services unable to start when the malware is deleted.