The Related Views menu on the right side of the Reputation Approvals page provides links to related information in the console

  • All files approved by reputation – Shows the File Catalog page filtered to show all unique files that are globally approved by reputation.
  • All publishers approved by reputation – Shows the Publishers tab of the Software Rules page filtered to show all publishers that are approved by reputation.
  • Reputation approval events – Shows the Events page filtered to show all events related to reputation approvals (publisher and file).

These views can help you understand how reputation approvals are affecting your computers and potentially point to changes you would like to make in the reputation approvals configuration in the state of specific files or publishers.

In other views that show files or publishers, you can see whether a file or publisher has been affected by reputation approvals by looking at these fields:

  • File State Reason – If the file was approved by file reputation, this field shows Reputation. If the file has an approved publisher, the File State can be Approved by Reputation even when File State Reason is something other than Reputation.
  • Publisher State Reason – If the publisher for a file is approved by reputation, this field shows Reputation.
  • Reputation Enabled – The File Details and File Instance Details pages include a Reputation Enabled field that shows whether file reputation approvals are enabled for the current file. You can add this same field to the File Catalog and Files on Computers table. Note that a value of Yes means that the file can be approved by reputation, not that it is approved.
  • Reputation Enabled – On the Publishers tab on the Software Rules page, you can add a column that shows whether reputation approvals are enabled for each listed publisher. A value of Yes means that the publisher can be approved by reputation, not that it is approved.