This table lists all Discovery events and their unique subtypes specific to this release of App Control.

Note: New or changed events are identified with ** (double-asterisk) in the left column. This allows a search to quickly identify only the new or changed events.
Table 1. Discovery Events and Subtypes
Subtype ID No. Severity Example Descriptions/Comments
Banned file written to computer 1004 Warning Computer $computer$ discovered new banned file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$].
Certificate added 1013 Info Certificate '$param1$' was added by user '$username$'.
Certificate checked 1014 Info

Computer $computer$ reported that certificate used to sign file ‘$filePathAndName$’ is invalid. Error: 0x$param1$

Computer $computer$ reported that certificate used to counter-sign file ‘$filePathAndName$’ is invalid. Error: 0x$param1$

Server detected that certificate ‘$param2$’ is invalid. Error: 0x$param1$

Agent detected that certificate ‘$param2$’ is valid.

Agent detected that certificate ‘$param2$’ is invalid. Error: 0x$param1$

Server checked certificate ‘$param2$’ for errors. Error flags: 0x$param1$

Agent has not been able to verify if certificate ‘$param2$’ is valid.

Note: “Invalid” for this event means that it has an error according to the Microsoft CryptoAPI.

Certificate revocation 1011 Warning

Computer $computer$ detected revocation of certificate ‘$param2$’ on file ‘$filePathAndName$ Error: $param1$

Note: This event is for file-signing certificates

Device attached 1009 Info Device '$param1$' was attached as drive '$param2$'. Interactive user at the time: '$username$'.
Device detached 1010 Info Device '$param1$' was detached as drive '$param2$'. Interactive user at the time: '$username$'.
External notification 1099 Info

$Provider$ reported $notificationType$ with name $malwareName$ for file $filename$ from $sourceName$[$source_ipaddress$] to $destName$[$dest_ipaddress$]. Found on $num_endpoints$ endpoints.

$Provider$ reported no threat for file ‘$filename$’. Found on $num_endpoints$ endpoints.

File discovered (browser download) 1020 Info The file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$] was downloaded by the browser $process$. $param1$
File discovered (email attachment) 1021 Info The file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$] was created by the email client $process$. $param1$
File group created 1001 Info Installation group was created for the file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$].
First execution on network 1007 Info File '$filePathAndName$' with hash [$hash$] was executed for the first time.
Malicious file detected 1201 Critical

Unknown file '$fileName$' [$hash$] was identified by $provider$ as malicious.

File '$fileName$' [$hash$] was identified by $provider$ as malicious.

File '$fileName$ [$hash$] was identified by Carbon Black File Reputation as a malicious file.

Note: Standard external providers are Check Point, Palo Alto Networks, or Microsoft. Other providers might be added through the App Control API.

New certificate on network 1012 Info

Server discovered new certificate $SubjectName$.

Note: This event is for file-signing certificates.

New device found 1008 Notice A new device '$deviceName$' was mounted as drive '$drive$'. Interactive user at the time: '$username$'.
New file on network 1005 Info Server discovered new file '$filePathAndName$' with hash [$hash$].
New publisher found 1000 Notice New publisher ‘$publisherName$’ was added.
New unapproved file to computer 1003 Notice Computer $computer$ discovered new file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$].
Potential risk file detected 1200 Warning

Unknown file '$filename$' [$hash$] was identified by $provider$ as a potential risk

File '$filename$' [$hash$] was identified by $provider$ as a potential risk.

File '$filename$’ [$hash$] was identified by Cb Reputation as a potential risk.

Note: Standard external providers are Check Point, FireEye, Palo Alto Networks or Microsoft. Other providers might be added through the Carbon Black App Control API.

Service created 1015 Info '$computer$' detected the creation of a new service: $servicename$.
Service deleted 1016 Info '$computer$' detected the deletion of a service: $servicename$.
Suspicious file found 1022 Info

Computer $computer$ detected a suspicious file '$filePathAndName$' [$hash$]: $param1$

Note: This event subtype appears when App Control detects an MSI file that has data appended after the signature.