Use this procedure to prepare the App Control macOS agent for deployment using Jamf Pro.


This procedure assumes you have downloaded the agent and mounted the DMG file. If not, do the following:

  1. Obtain the macOS agent by following the instructions in Download an Agent Installer.
  2. Mount the DMG file that you downloaded.
  3. Open the mounted folder (for example, Bit9 Agent) using Finder, and press Command+Shift+. to see the hidden config.xml and server.conf files in the mount point.

    You will refer to these files in the procedure that follows.


  1. Create the folder: /private/tmp/appc.
  2. Copy the following files from the mounted folder (for example, Bit9 Agent) to /private/tmp/appc folder.
    • config.xml
    • server.conf
    • Install Bit9 Security Platform.pkg
  3. Open Jamf Composer, navigate to Preferences > Exclusion List, remove /private/tmp from the list, and save the settings.
  4. Copy the appc folder to the SOURCES folder on the left in Composer.
    Verify all the folders and files were copied.
  5. With the appc folder selected under SOURCES on the left in Composer, click Build as DMG, and save locally, for example in the Desktop location.
    When the package is built, appc.dmg is listed under PACKAGES on the left in Composer.
  6. To verify the appc.dmg package details, such as the creation date, in the Desktop location in Finder, click appc.dmg.


Composer 10.34.2 showing the selected appc source tab on the left panel with the right panel showing the private, tmp, and appc folders

What to do next

Use Jamf Admin to upload the macOS agent DMG and installation script to Jamf Pro.