Perform the following procedure to install a Windows agent on an endpoint.


For ZIP archive: Extract to a folder. It will contain a signed ParityHostAgent.msi file together with other files that contain configurations and settings. This collection of files must remain together for the installation to succeed.

Caution: The Carbon Black App Control Windows 8.9.0 Agent can prevent process hollowing. If you have both Carbon Black App Control and Carbon Black Cloud installed, it is recommended not to have both products configured to prevent process hollowing.


  1. On the endpoint, run the Windows agent installer. You can use any standard means for installing using MSI files, with the following considerations:
    • The default agent application directory is C:\Program Files\Bit9\Parity Agent for 32-bit systems and C:\Program Files (X86)\Bit9\Parity Agent for 64-bit systems. To change the installation directory, perform the installation from the command line using the appropriate MSI command-line options.
    • To accept the default application directory, use any MSI installation method, including double-clicking the MSI filename.
    • If you are installing the agent manually or by using a third-party distribution system and want to specify a non-default data directory, do not choose a data directory that is below the main program installation directory. Putting the data directory under the installation directory will cause the agent to malfunction and disconnect.
    During Windows agent installation, the installer displays a message dialog that closes automatically when installation is complete. This dialog includes a Cancel button, so you can end the installation before it completes if necessary.
  2. To verify the agent installation, open Task Manager and click the Services tab. You should see Parity running.
  3. If you run anti-virus (AV) software, exclude the Carbon Black App Control agent installation directory from anti-virus scanning. For enhanced security, Carbon Black App Control protects its application directory. To avoid performance issues, configure your AV software so that the following files and directories are not scanned or blocked:
    • Parity.exe – the agent process
    • Program Files\Bit9 – the default agent program directory on 32-bit systems; if you did not use the default directory, substitute the directory you selected
    • Program Files (x86)\Bit9 – the default agent program directory on 64-bit systems; if you did not use the default directory, substitute the directory you selected
    • ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent – the default agent data directory on Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10, and Windows Server 2008 through 2016 systems; if you did not use the default directory, substitute the directory you selected
    • \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bit9\Parity Agent – default agent data directory for supported operating systems not listed in the previous item
  4. Firewalls often recognize the agent as a new application and block access to the network. Instruct users to permanently allow the agent to have access.