Perform the following procedure to manually upgrade Carbon Black App Control Windows agents.

The following procedure assumes that you use the default values for parameters that would be used by an automatic upgrade run by using the server. Command Line Installations of Windows Agents shows parameters that can allow non-default configurations of an installation using MSIEXEC.


  1. Log in to the console from the endpoint on which you want to download the installer.
  2. On the console menu, click Rules > Policies and then click the Download agent software link at the top of the Policies page.
  3. Download the agent upgrade installer file ParityHostAgent.msi to the location from which you want to run or distribute the upgrade.

    For example, to use a URL, you can click Rules > Policies in the console, click the Download agent software link, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:

    https://<your server name>/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=ParityHostAgent.msi

  4. Click the Save option provided by your browser.
  5. (Optional) Follow the same procedure to download the new Carbon Black App Control rules list (configlist.xml) to a location that is accessible to the agent installer, or make sure that the agent installer system can access the hostpkg folder on the Carbon Black App Control server.

    To use a URL, enter the following text into a browser on the endpoint to which you want to download the file:

    https://<your server name>/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=configlist.xml

    Note: If you are using a command line argument to upgrade the agent, you do not necessarily have to download configlist.xml. You can use the preceding URL as an argument in the command line. See Step 7.
  6. If you are manually upgrading a single endpoint, move the configlist.xml file to the agent data folder. This is usually C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent. Run the installer; for example, ParityHostAgent.msi.
  7. If you are preparing to upgrade agents by using a third-party distribution system, you can use that system to distribute the configlist.xml file to the agent folder on all agents, or you can use command line arguments in MSIEXEC to include the new rules file in the upgrade installations. A command line for such an upgrade using ParityHostAgent.msi might look like the following:
    msiexec /i <path>\ParityHostAgent.msi B9_CONFIG=<path>\configlist.xml /L*v+ c:\ParityHostAgentUpgrade.log 

    You can use a URL, a UNC path, or a full local path in the command to specify the location of configlist.xml. You cannot use a relative path or a file name without a path.

    Important: Certain agent releases may come with special instructions that supersede or supplement the standard installation instructions. If in doubt about how to install an upgrade, consult the User Exchange or contact Carbon Black Technical Support.