To enable Carbon Black on the guest Linux virtual machines (VM) where your workloads are running, you must first install the Carbon Black launcher using the VMware package repository. The Linux VM (or server that is used to supply binaries to VMs) must be able to access the site.

This method is the preferred method for installation. Perform the steps as applicable for your Linux distribution. You must have the root privilege on the Linux VM.


  • The Linux VM (or server that is used to supply binaries to VMs) must have access to To verify accessibility to, use the ping command. Then run the curl -Is command. The curl request returns the HTTP/1.1 200 OK status code.
  • The following dependencies must be installed on the Linux VM.
    • libglib-2.0
    • libgthread
    • gnupg2
  • Use Carbon Black launcher 1.1 for Linux VMs to install Carbon Black sensor kit with version 2.11.2 or later. The Carbon Black launcher 1.1 enforces full digital-signature verification for all files contained in a sensor kit 2.11.2 or later.
    • Starting with Carbon Black sensor version 2.11.2, the tar-balls are enabled with full signature verification. If you use Carbon Black launcher 1.1 to download and install a Carbon Black sensor kit with version earlier than 2.11.2, the signature verification capability is not enabled on the sensor kit and the sensor installation cannot complete due to signature verification failure.
    • If you use a Carbon Black launcher 1.0 or earlier to install a Carbon Black sensor kit 2.11.2 or later, the launcher installs the sensor without full verification.


  1. For Ubuntu systems:
    1. Obtain and import the VMware packaging public keys using the following commands.
      curl -L --output
      apt-key add
    2. Create a file named cblauncher.list under /etc/apt/sources.list.d.
    3. Create or edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cblauncher.list with the following content:
      deb [arch=amd64] xenial main
    4. Install the package using the following commands:
      apt-get update
      apt-get install cblauncher

  2. For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle/Amazon Linux systems:
    1. Obtain and import the VMware packaging public keys using the following commands:
      rpm --import
    2. Create a file named cblauncher.repo under /etc/yum.repos.d.
    3. Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/cblauncher.repo file with the following content:
      name=cblauncher repo
    4. Install the Carbon Black launcher package using the following command:
      yum install cblauncher
  3. For SLES systems:
    1. Obtain and import the VMware packaging public keys using the following commands:
      rpm --import
    2. Add the following repository:
      zypper ar "" cblauncher
    3. Install the Carbon Black launcher package using the following command:
      zypper install cblauncher

  4. To verify if the Carbon Black launcher is installed, run the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution:
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6.x, use the following command.
    service cblauncher status
    • For all other distributions like SUSE/Ubuntu/Amazon, use the following command.
    systemctl status cblauncher
    The status must be running.


After the launcher is installed, you can enable Carbon Black on the Linux VMs similar to the Windows VMs from the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Plug-in.