Use the Network page to view network settings of the appliance VM. You can view details about an IP address of the appliance, the network gateway, and the DNS-related details. To update the network settings, use the virtual appliance management interface (VAMI). You cannot modify the network settings from the appliance user interface (UI).


  1. Log in to the appliance with root credentials.
  2. Run the virtual appliance management interface (VAMI) CLI command /opt/vmware/share/vami.
    Verify the list of options available for network settings using the /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_set_network --help command.
  3. Update the desired network configuration parameters.
    For example,
    vami_set_network <interface> (DHCPV4|DHCPV6|AUTOV6|DHCPV4+DHCPV6|DHCPV4+AUTOV6|DHCPV4+NONEV6)
    vami_set_network <interface> (STATICV4|STATICV4+DHCPV6|STATICV4+AUTOV6|STATICV4+NONEV6) <ipv4_addr> <netmask> <gatewayv4>
    vami_set_network <interface> (STATICV6|DHCPV4+STATICV6) <ipv6_addr> <prefix> (<gatewayv6>|default)
    vami_set_network <interface> STATICV4+STATICV6 <ipv4_addr> <netmask> <gatewayv4> <ipv6_addr> <prefix> (<gatewayv6>|default)
  4. Restart the appliance VM.
  5. Log in to appliance using the admin credentials.
  6. Verify the updated network settings under Configuration > Network > Network details tab.


The NTP server settings are updated.