For Windows VMs, the Carbon Black launcher is packaged with VMware Tools. To receive the launcher for your workloads, you must install or upgrade VMware Tools to version 11.2 or later.

For more information, refer to VMware Tools documentation.

Important: VM must have Internet connectivity.

You can find the launcher logs at the following locations.

  • On the ESXi host: The log file is available at the /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_NAME/vmware.log location when you install or upgrade VMware Tools to version 11.2 or later.
  • On the Windows VM: The logs are created at C:\Windows\Temp\Cbinstall*.log or SystemTemp\Cbinstall*.log when you trigger the Carbon Black installation.
  • On the Windows VM: The logs are created at C:\Windows\Temp\cb-install*.log or SystemTemp\Cb-install*.log after the Carbon Black installation is complete.