The Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance with the software for Carbon Black Cloud Workload Plug-in is bundled in a single Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) that is used for the complete installation. You must download the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance OVA.


  1. To get the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance OVA, go to the Broadcom Support Portal page:
    1. Go to My Downloads - Cyber Security Software.
    2. Search for VMware Carbon Black Cloud Workload.
    3. Select the latest release.
  2. Download the OVA to a local datastore or local web server.

    The OVA filename has the following format: cwp-va-<release-number>-<build-number>_OVF10.ova. For example, cwp-va-1.3.0-21602657_OVF10.ova.

  3. Copy the file path of the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance OVA file.
    For example, if you downloaded the OVA file to a local web server: http://<local-web-server>/cwp-va-1.3.0-21602657_OVF10.ova. You will provide this path when you deploy the appliance.


The Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance OVA file is available.

What to do next

Deploy and Configure Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance