The Status column on the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Plug-in Inventory > Enabled tab indicates the installation or active state of the sensor and any admin actions taken on the sensor.

Sensor Status Description
Active Sensors are properly communicating to the Carbon Black Cloud.
Inactive Sensors have not communicated to the Carbon Black Cloud for last 30 days.
Registered Sensors are registered.
Deregistered Sensors are deregistered or uninstalled. Sensors persist on the Inventory > Not Enabled tab in the Deregistered status until removed from the Carbon Black Cloud console.
Note: The sensor gets deleted when VM is deleted or VM is moved to another vCenter Server. The deleted sensors are displayed as Deregistered on the Carbon Black Cloud console. The workload sensors that are inactive for three or more days and have received a delete action from the vCenter Server are automatically Deregistered.
Errors Sensors are reporting errors.
Eligible for update Sensors can be updated to the most current, available sensor version.
Bypass Sensors have been put into the Bypass mode by the Carbon Black Cloud administrator. All policy enforcement on the asset is disabled and the sensor does not send data to the Carbon Black Cloud.
Note: Sensors can momentarily enter Bypass mode during a sensor update.
Quarantined Sensors have been put into Quarantine mode by the Carbon Black Cloud administrator and are isolated from the network to mitigate spread of potentially malicious activity.