Carbon Black uses a certificate chain file to perform a proper OCSP stapling.

You can generate a certificate chain by using any online Certificate Chain Composer. The following procedure is an example of creating the certificate chain by using the Certificate Chain Composer.


  1. Edit the certificate sgw_certificate.pem in a plain text editor and copy all the content together with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
    If your certificate already has the chain, copy only the first occurrence of -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
  2. Paste the content in the text box on the Certificate Chain Composer site and click Compose.
    The tool generates the entire chain of certificates – your own certificate and all the certificates that are used to sign your certificate. You can view the certificate chain in the lower half of the page.
  3. Copy the content and paste it in a plain text editor.
    Note: Delete the section that corresponds to the section in your certificate from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
  4. Save the file as sgw_chain.pem.
  5. Copy the sgw_chain.pem file in the /data/certs directory on the server hosting the Sensor Gateway.
  6. To ensure that the OCSP Stapling works correctly for the Sensor Gateway, run the following commands:
    1. openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in sgw_certificate.pem
      Outputs the OCSP responder URL for your certificate.
    2. openssl ocsp -issuer sgw_chain.pem -cert sgw_certificate.pem -verify_other sgw_chain.pem -CAfile sgw_chain.pem -no_nonce -url <OCSP Responder URL from Previous Command>
      Outputs the response from the OCSP Responder. For example,
      sgw_certificate.pem: good
      This Update: Jul 18 15:35:01 2023 GMT
      Next Update: Jul 25 15:35:00 2023 GMT

    If there is no response, check the network connectivity and firewall configuration to confirm that the OCSP response is received from the OCSP responder.