To reregister a Linux VM clone, perform the following procedure.


  1. Log in to the clone VM. For example, LIN_CENTOS_VDI.
  2. Stop the cbagentdby issuing the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution:
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6, use the following command:
      $ sudo service cbagentd stop
    • For all other distributions, use the following command:
      $ sudo systemctl stop cbagentd
  3. Register the clone VM using the following command:
    $ sudo /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/cbagentd -R

    The clone VM is registered as separate device and is assigned a new device ID and registration ID.

  4. Start the cbagentd by issuing the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution:
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6, use the following command.
      $ sudo service cbagentd start
    • For all other distributions, use the following command.
      $ sudo systemctl start cbagentd