For Windows VMs, the Carbon Black launcher is packaged with VMware Tools. To receive the launcher for your workloads, you must install or upgrade VMware Tools to version 11.2+.

For more information, refer to VMware Tools documentation.

Note: The VM must have Internet connectivity.

You can find the launcher logs at the following locations.

  • On the ESXi host: The log file is available at the /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_NAME/vmware.log location when you install or upgrade VMware Tools to version 11.2+.
  • On the Windows VM: The logs are created at C:\Windows\Temp\Cbinstall*.log or SystemTemp\Cbinstall*.log when you trigger the Carbon Black installation.
  • On the Windows VM: The logs are created at C:\Windows\Temp\cb-install*.log or SystemTemp\Cb-install*.log after the Carbon Black installation is complete.