We highly recommend that you perform the toggle command after you have configured MDM for both Kernel Extension and System Extension in Big Sur.

Your organization’s deregistration code is required to run the toggle command. In the Carbon Black Cloud console, go to Inventory > Endpoints > Sensor Options > View Company Codes. In this context, the code does not uninstall anything and is used as an administrative code to enable the RepCLI tool. For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the user guide.


  • Perform one of the following procedures:
    • To toggle from System Extension to Kernel Extension:
      1. Run the following command:

        sudo /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/repcli.bundle/Contents/macOS/repcli setsensorkext [deregistration code]

      2. The KEXT must be manually approved. A window will appear stating that a System Extension has been updated. Approve this prompt in the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences.
      3. Restart the OS.
    • To toggle from Kernel Extension to System Extension:
      1. Run the following command:

        sudo /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/repcli.bundle/Contents/macOS/repcli setsensorsysext [deregistration code]

      2. Restart the OS.