This article describes how to install Carbon Black Cloud Linux sensors through the command line or software distribution tools in a vSphere environment to enable the automatic identification and registration of VC clones.


To get started, see Installing Sensors on Endpoints in a VDI Environment.

Make sure that your environment meets the minimum requirements:

  • Carbon Black Cloud Linux sensor v2.12 and later
  • Host with ESXi 6.7 or later
  • vCenter Server 6.7 or later
  • OS distributions and version must be supported by the Linux sensor


  1. Follow the steps described in Enable Host User World to install the HostUW module on the ESXi host.
  2. Install the Linux sensor on the primary VM. See Installing Linux Sensors on Endpoints.
  3. Confirm that configuration properties are set to enable the automatic identification and registration of a vSphere clone. For more information about cfg.ini, see About the Linux Sensor cfg.ini File.
    1. The features are enabled by default. If the following properties do not exist in /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.ini, then you do not need to do anything and can proceed directly to Step 4. If the following properties exist in the configuration file, confirm that they are set to the following correct values to enable automatic registration.
      • VHostEnabled=true. Enables the automatic registration feature.
      • EnableExternalIdsChangeDetectionForVDIClones=true. Enables HostUW-based automatic registration.
      • IncludeExternalIdsInMsgsToBackend=true. Enables external identifiers in messages sent to the Cloud backend.
      Note: To optionally disable automatic registration, set the value of EnableExternalIdsChangeDetectionForVDIClones=false.
    2. If any property is not set to the correct value, perform the following steps:
      1. Run service cbagentd stop or systemctl stop cbagentd
      2. Edit the /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.ini file to set the correct values.
      3. Run service cbagentd start or systemctl start cbagentd.
  4. Clone the primary VM.