Use the following procedure to set up the Carbon Black Cloud Windows sensor on a Horizon golden image virtual machine (VM).

Important: The previous installation use of a post-synchronization script (batch file) is no longer necessary. If you are upgrading to Horizon 7.13+ from a previous Horizon version, you must remove the batch file that you had inserted into the golden image.


  1. Create the golden image VM for the clone pool deployment. Perform required Windows updates and install the required VMware Tools and Horizon Agent.
  2. Install the sensor on the golden image using the following command:
    msiexec.exe /q /i <Sensor Installer Path> /L*v msi.log COMPANY_CODE="XYZABC" CLI_USERS=<UserGroupSid> GROUP_NAME="<NAME Virtual Policy>"
    Note: For Horizon Pre-7.13, 8.0 and Windows sensors 3.7MR2+, add the following parameter to enable automatic reregistration of clones: AUTO_REREGISTER_FOR_VDI_CLONES=3.

    < Sensor Installer Path> : Replace this value with the location of the sensor MSI file; for example, c:\tmp\installer_win-64-

    CLI_USERS= <UserGroupSid>: This parameter on the golden image enables RepCLI usage on the clones. The value is the Security Identifier (SID) of the user account/group that will run RepCLI commands on the clones.
    GROUP_NAME: Indicates the policy name that has the necessary exclusions and configurations to apply to the golden image.

    See Installing Windows Sensors on Endpoints and Windows Sensor Supported Commands.

    For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the User Guide.
  3. Complete an expedited background scan on the golden image to optimize clone performance.
    1. In the Carbon Black Cloud console, click Enforce > Policies, select the policy, and click the Sensor tab.
    2. Select the Run background scan option and select Expedited scanning.
    3. Click Save.
    4. You can track scan progress by running the repcli status command. The output will be similar to the following:
      General Info:
         Sensor Version[ - Sep 29 2021 - 20:34:38]
         Local Scanner Version[ - ]
         Disk Filter Version[]
         CbShared[104365] Policy[1269] FileAnalysis[386] Proto[548]
         Sensor State[Enabled]
         Details[LiveResponse:NoSession, LiveResponse:NoKillSwitch, LiveResponse:Disabled, SvcStable]
         ExternalIdentity[Not Available]
         Kernel File Filter[Connected]
         Background Scan [Complete]
         Total Files Processed[52581] Current Directory[None]
  4. For instant clones, apply the clone policy to the golden image. For recommendations on clone policy settings, see Carbon Black Windows Sensor Policy Setting Recommendations for Horizon Instant Clones.
  5. Take a snapshot of the golden image.