Use the following procedure to set up the Carbon Black Cloud Windows sensor on a Horizon golden image virtual machine (VM).
Important: The previous installation use of a post-synchronization script (batch file) is no longer necessary. If you are upgrading to Horizon 7.13+ from a previous Horizon version, you must remove the batch file that you had inserted into the golden image.
- Create the golden image VM for the clone pool deployment. Perform required Windows updates and install the required VMware Tools and Horizon Agent.
- Install the sensor on the golden image using the following command:
msiexec.exe /q /i <Sensor Installer Path> /L*v msi.log COMPANY_CODE="XYZABC" CLI_USERS=<UserGroupSid> GROUP_NAME="<NAME Virtual Policy>"
Note: For Horizon Pre-7.13, 8.0 and Windows sensors 3.7MR2+, add the following parameter to enable automatic reregistration of clones:
< Sensor Installer Path> : Replace this value with the location of the sensor MSI file; for example, c:\tmp\installer_win-64-
<UserGroupSid>: This parameter on the golden image enables RepCLI usage on the clones. The value is the Security Identifier (SID) of the user account/group that will run RepCLI commands on the clones.
GROUP_NAME: Indicates the policy name that has the necessary exclusions and configurations to apply to the golden image.
- Complete an expedited background scan on the golden image to optimize clone performance.
- In the Carbon Black Cloud console, click Enforce > Policies, select the policy, and click the Sensor tab.
- Select the Run background scan option and select Expedited scanning.
- Click Save.
- You can track scan progress by running the
repcli status
command. The output will be similar to the following: General Info:
Sensor Version[ - Sep 29 2021 - 20:34:38]
Local Scanner Version[ - ]
Disk Filter Version[]
CbShared[104365] Policy[1269] FileAnalysis[386] Proto[548]
Sensor State[Enabled]
Details[LiveResponse:NoSession, LiveResponse:NoKillSwitch, LiveResponse:Disabled, SvcStable]
ExternalIdentity[Not Available]
Kernel File Filter[Connected]
Background Scan [Complete]
Total Files Processed[52581] Current Directory[None]
- For instant clones, apply the clone policy to the golden image. For recommendations on clone policy settings, see Carbon Black Windows Sensor Policy Setting Recommendations for Horizon Instant Clones.
- Take a snapshot of the golden image.