The macOS sensor relies on both file magic header detection and file extensions to determine file types to be scanned by the background scan.

Magic header detection is used when a file has no extension or an arbitrary (obfuscated) extension.

Binary Files

Apple executables Apple driver extensions Apple dynamic libraries
Windows executables Windows dynamic libraries

Data Files

Adobe PDF
MS Office
Open Office

Installer Files

Apple installers (DMG, PKG)
By extension only: Windows MSI files, Android APK installers

Script Files

java (class and jar) Perl Python
PHP Ruby Shell
Applescript Any other script files with "#!" file header indicating interpreter association

Windows Script Files by Extension Only

bat chm cmd
com hta inf
ins isp ocx
reg vb vbe
vbs ws wsf
wsh ps1 ps1xml
psc1 psd1 psm1