You can gain visibility and control over USB storage devices detected in your environment. In addition, you can review USB devices, create approvals for trusted devices, and manage approvals.

Approvals are global and blocking is enabled by policy. First approve USB devices and then block access to all unapproved devices on the Policies page. This ensures that any device that has not been approved by you will be blocked.

You view all detected USB storage devices on the USB Devices tab. Review when the device was first and last seen, its approval status, the last endpoint it was seen on, the policy associated with the last endpoint, and the number of policies with blocking on or off.

You can approve either multiple detected devices or a single device on the USB Devices tab. You can approve devices by uploading a CSV file to add multiple devices, create approvals for vendors and products, or approve a specific device on the Approvals tab .

Vendor and product IDs are device-generated 16-bit hexadecimal numbers (e.g., 0xC123) used to identify USB devices. You need these IDs to approve vendors and products, and a serial number to create a specific approval.