You can use the Inbox to view the status of sensor-related actions taken on your endpoints and hashes and access uploaded files.

When a request to upload a file from an endpoint to the console has been completed, the file will be available for download from this page.


Items in your inbox are categorized by the type of request that is sent to the sensor.

  • Bypass: Request to enable "bypass" mode; all policy enforcement on the endpoint is disabled
  • Quarantine: Request to enable "quarantine" mode; isolate an endpoint from the network to mitigate spread of malicious activity
  • Delete Hash: Request to delete an application/file by hash
  • Upload Hash: Request to upload an application/file by hash to the console
  • Kill Switch: Request to disable Live Response functionality on the endpoint
  • Background Scan: Request to initiate a background scan
Note: Bypass and Quarantine subtype requests will show either On or Off in the Action column to indicate whether the mode is being enabled or disabled on the endpoint.


The Status of a Subtype request indicates the last known status of the request received from the sensor.

  • Triggered: The request is submitted through the console, but not yet received by the sensor
  • Sent to sensor: The request has been received by the sensor; typically occurs once the sensor has checked into the cloud
  • Success: The request has been completed by the sensor; requested files are available for download
  • Error: The request has failed