The appliance log bundle is a collection of diagnostic information that the VMware support and engineering teams require to troubleshoot any problem that you encounter. The support team can collect the appliance log bundle from the cloud for further analysis and troubleshooting. You can set the logging level for each service from the appliance. The VMware support team can ask you to change the appliance log level or export the logs while troubleshooting any problem. For the VMware support team, the logs upload to the domain.

You can configure the log export and log level options. The log level can be configured in a built-in package file such as Root and com.vmware.cwp. By default, Root has Warning and com.vmware.cwp has Info as the assigned log level.


  • You must open firewall for the domain with TCP port 443.
  • The VMware support team can change the appliance log level and export logs for troubleshooting. If you do not want to share any logs with VMware for troubleshooting purposes, toggle to turn Off the Log Export.


  1. From your browser, log in to the Carbon Black Cloud Workload appliance at https://<appliance IP address> using the admin credentials.
  2. Go to the Troubleshooting > Logs page.

    Appliance log settings

  3. Log Export: By default, the Log Export toggle is On. Toggle to turn Off the log export.
    The logs get deleted on a rolling two-month retention schedule.
  4. Select the required service from the list. To change the log level settings, select the required log level from the list as follows:
    Log Level Description
    Off Logging is turned off. Use this option to turn off logging for a specific service.
    Error Logs only the error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
    Warning Logs the potentially harmful situations.
    Info Logs the informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level.
    Debug Logs the fine-grained informational events that are the most useful to debug an application.
    Trace Logs finer-grained informational events than the Debug level.
  5. To save your changes, click Save.


Log export and log level settings are changed.