To enable Carbon Black launcher on Linux virtual machines (VM) where your workloads are running, you must first install the launcher. This method for installation is an alternate method. If you do not want to configure the repository, you can use this alternate method.

Perform the steps as applicable for your Linux distribution.
  1. Go to the Linux VM.
  2. Download the package and run the command for the appropriate Linux distribution.
    Note: The actual build number might change. You must replace the build number with the correct available one. For example, replace 16928845 in the cblauncher-1.0.0- 16928845.x86_64 with the available build number.
    Table 1. Linux Package and Command to Use for Installation
    Linux Distribution Link to Download Package Command to Use for Installation
    1. Navigate to
    2. Select a specific version or click the latest one.
    3. Click ubuntu/ and navigate to the cblauncher_[version]-[build-number]_amd64.deb package.
    • dpkg –i cblauncher_[version]-[build number]_amd64.deb
      For example:
      dpkg –i cblauncher_1.0.0-16928845_amd64.deb
    RHEL/SUSE/CentOS/Oracle/Amazon Linux
    1. Navigate to
    2. Select a specific version or click the latest one.
    3. Locate the cblauncher-[version]-[build-number].x86_64.rpm package.
    • rpm -Uvh cblauncher-[version]-[build number].x86_64.rpm
      For example:
      rpm -Uvh cblauncher-1.0.0-16928845.x86_64.rpm
  3. To start the Carbon Black launcher daemon, run the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution.
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6.x, use the following command.
    service cblauncher start
    • For all other distributions like SUSE/Ubuntu/Amazon, use the following command.
    systemctl start cblauncher
  4. To stop the Carbon Black launcher daemon, run the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution.
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6.x, use the following command.
    service cblauncher stop
    • For all other distributions like SUSE/Ubuntu/Amazon, use the following command.
    systemctl stop cblauncher
  5. To verify the Carbon Black launcher status, run the following command with the root privilege based on the Linux distribution.
    • For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle 6.x, use the following command.
    service cblauncher status
    • For all other distributions like SUSE/Ubuntu/Amazon, use the following command.
    systemctl status cblauncher
The status must be running.

After the launcher is installed, you can enable Carbon Black on the Linux VMs similar to the Windows VMs from the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Plug-in.