To see an overview of a Kubernetes workload, perform the following procedure.


  1. On the left navigation pane, do one of the following depending on your system configuration and role:
    • If you have the Kubernetes Security DevOps or SecOps role and your system has only the Container security feature, click Inventory > Workloads.
    • If you have any other role and your system has Container security and other Carbon Black Cloud features, click Inventory > Kubernetes > Workloads.
  2. Click the name of the Workload in the second column.
    • The Overview tab shows the following details:

      Overview of the Kubernetes Workload Page
    • General information — name, kind, cluster, and namespace.
    • Runtime — The assigned runtime policy and scope. You can click the policy or scope name for additional details. This section lists any alerts associated with the runtime policy, and shows network connections within the last 2 hours.
    • Hardening — The assigned hardening policy and scope. You can click the policy or scope name for additional details.
    • Risk — This section shows the overall risk severity, configuration risks, and vulnerabilities. To go to the Risk tab for more information, click the number next to Configuration risks or Vulnerabilities. See View a Kubernetes Workload - Risks.
    • Container Images — Lists the container images in the workload. You can click any hyperlinked container name to go to its Container Image page. See View Container Images - Overview.
    • Pods — Lists the pod name, status, node, and last started date for the associated pods.