XDR extends the capabilities of EDR across all the security layers in the environment—workloads, devices, users, and networks.

Rather than the single point of view that EDR provides, XDR enables telemetry and behavioral analysis across multiple security layers, allowing security teams to see the big picture.

Bad actors don’t limit their attacks to a single security layer; thus, security teams cannot afford to limit their view to one layer. EDR gives security professionals visibility into endpoints that might be compromised—but this is not enough when an attack has moved across the network and into other systems before the security team has become aware of it.

This is where XDR comes in. By providing a holistic view of activity across the system that avoids visibility gaps, XDR allows security teams to understand where a threat comes from and how it is spreading across the environment. XDR offers greater analysis and correlation capabilities and a holistic point of view.