You can integrate security into your DevOps processes to easily deploy quality apps faster with Carbon Black Container. When you secure apps early in development, you reduce vulnerabilities in production.

Container Security is a critical part of a comprehensive security assessment. It is the practice of protecting containerized applications from potential risk using a combination of security tools and policies. Container Security manages risks throughout the environment, including all aspects of the software supply chain or CI/CD pipeline, infrastructure, container runtime, and lifecycle management applications that run on containers.

A unified security strategy from development to production is critical for detecting vulnerabilities and misconfigurations early in development to minimize the attack surface that containers pose. By starting with the build phase, DevOps and Security teams can create workloads that are secure by design. These teams require visibility into workloads at the runtime layer to secure Kubernetes clusters and their applications.

Security must be integrated at each layer throughout the development lifecycle to effectively protect against attacks. To address threats in increasingly complex environments, security requires a multilayered approach that spans the full application lifecycle.

Organizations adopting Kubernetes must provide visibility for security teams and set guardrails for development teams through configuration and compliance policies to avoid vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. These policies ensure steady governance and minimal disruption to DevOps workflows and protect the complete deployment lifecycle without impacting business agility and speed to market.