Carbon Black Sensor Gateway 1.2.1 | 28 June 2024

Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

Carbon Black Sensor Gateway as an appliance is an on-premises component, part of the Carbon Black Workload product. You can use it to ensure your workloads are not directly exposed to the Internet for security, regulatory, and compliance reasons. All the communication, originating from the Carbon Black sensors and going to and from Carbon Black Cloud, is directed through the Sensor Gateway.

Carbon Black Cloud Sensor Gateway 1.2.1 is only available for fresh installation and upgrade.

Additional References

For more information about the Carbon Black Sensor Gateway, see the Carbon Black Sensor Gateway User Guide.

Resolved Issues

This section lists the defects that were resolved in the Carbon Black Sensor Gateway.


Known Issues

This section lists the known issues present in the Carbon Black Sensor Gateway.


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