You can view and analyze the network activity of your Kubernetes clusters in the Carbon Black Cloud console. The network map is a graphic representation of all the namespaces and workloads running in the cluster with their network traffic.

The Network map helps identify alerts that originated from workload and network activity — these are highlighted on the map for easy usage. The network map displays a high-level overview of the cluster ingress and egress connections as well as narrowing the focus to individual namespaces and workloads. The map lets you select a namespace, workload, or ingress or egress group, and shows traffic and related details including network security violations of a workload. The map focuses on data collected over the last 24 hours.

Note: You can view tabular network data for a workload as well as seeing this activity in the network map. See View a Kubernetes Workload - Network Connections.

In the Carbon Black Cloud console, you can see how Kubernetes workloads are exposed to the Internet through either NodePort services or Load Balancer services ingress types. For more information about ingress, see Ingress (external link).

Egress traffic is the traffic going from the cluster to another network (public or private). In the Carbon Black Cloud console, you can see the outgoing traffic from the cluster to egress groups. The default egress groups are public and private. You can create additional egress groups. See Egress Groups.