This topic describes special considerations when running Inventory Search queries.

See also Platform Search.

  • The maximum number of assets returned in a search result is 200,000.
  • Search supports using either ISO 8601 or Epoch time stamps.
  • You can specify the same field naming convention in a search string as the field name that is returned in the response.

    Example: Search policy_name: Standard or the legacy naming convention of policyName: Standard returns the same result (policy _name: Standard).

  • A wildcard search that specifies a string that is followed by a wildcard matches on values that start with the string. There is no tokenization in wildcard searches.

    Example: Search policy_name: Win* matches Windows and Windows Corporate.

  • A wildcard search that specifies a leading wildcard followed by a string matches on values that end with the string. There is no tokenization in wildcard searches.

    Example: Search policy_name: *office matches Remote Office and Boston Office.

  • Special characters are all escaped by using \ character.
  • Inventory Search supports an exact name on field searches.

    Example: Search name.equals: "Eng" matches Eng only; it does not match Engineering.