The Carbon Black Cloud Log Source Type normalizes Carbon Black Cloud data into a format that QRadar can index. The following table provides the full QRadar to Carbon Black Cloud field mapping.

QRadar to Carbon Black Cloud Field Mapping

QRadar Field Carbon Black Cloud Field
Action action
Additional Events Present additional_events_present
Alert Blocked Threat Category blocked_threat_category
Alert C2 Involved threat_activity_c2
Alert Category category
Alert DLP Involved threat_activity_dlp
Alert First Event Time first_event_time
Alert ID id, alert_id
Alert Last Event Time last_event_time
Alert Last Update Time last_update_time
Alert Not Blocked Threat Category not_blocked_threat_category
Alert Notes Present notes_present
Alert Phishing Involved threat_activity_phish
Alert Policy Applied policy_applied
Alert Reason Code reason_code
Alert Status status
Alert Tags tags
Alert Threat Cause Actor Name threat_cause_actor_name
Alert Threat Cause Category threat_cause_threat_category
Alert Threat Caused By Event ID threat_cause_cause_event_id
Alert Threat Cause Reputation threat_cause_reputation
Alert Threat Cause Vector threat_cause_vector
Alert Threat Notes Present threat_notes_present
Alert URL alert_url
API Call crossproc_api
Attack Tactic attack_tactic
Attack Technique attack_technique
Audit Log Event Timestamp eventTime
Audit Log Flagged flagged
Backend Timestamp backend_timestamp
Backend Update Timestamp backend_update_timestamp
Blocked Effective Reputation blocked_effective_reputation
Blocked MD5 blocked_md5
Blocked Name blocked_name
Blocked SHA256 blocked_sha256
CBC Event Count scriptload_count, modload_count
Child Process Command Line childproc_cmdline
Cluster Name cluster_name, k8s_cluster
Cluster Policy ID k8s_policy_id
Command Line process_cmdline
Connection Type connection_type
Cross-process Event Target crossproc_target
Date Time backend_timestamp, create_time, syslog_create_time
Destination FQDN netconn_domain
Destination IP remote_ip, netconn_remote_ip
Destination MAC [no field specified]
Destination Port remote_port, netconn_remote_port
Determination Changed By determination_changed_by
Determination Changed By Type determinated_changed_by_type
Determination Change Timestamp determination_change_timestamp
Determination Value determination_value
Device Group device_group
Device ID device_id
Device Name device_name
Device Priority target_value
Device Timestamp device_timestamp
Device UEM ID device_uem_id
Duration Seconds process_duration
Egress Group ID egress_group_id
Egress Group Name egress_group_name
Event Category severity, type, cat
Event ID type, cat
Event ID (custom) created_by_event_id, eventId, event_id
Event Origin event_origin
Event Summary event_description, description, reason
File Hash filemod_hash[1], modload_hash[1], scriptload_hash[1], fileless_scriptload_hash[1], modload_sha256
Fileless Script Load Command Line fileless_scriptload_cmdline
File Path filemod_name, regmod_name, modload_name, scriptload_name
First Event Timestamp first_event_timestamp
Identity Extended Field [no field specified]
Identity Group Name device_group
Identity Host Name device_name
Identity IP device_internal_ip
Identity IPv6 [no field specified]
Identity MAC [no field specified]
Identity Net BIOS Name [no field specified]
IOC Field ioc_field
IOC ID ioc_id
IOC Value ioc_hit
IP Reputation ip_reputation
IPv6 Destination netconn_remote_ipv6
IPv6 Source netconn_local_ipv6
Is Updated is_updated
Legacy Alert ID legacy_alert_id
Location device_location
Log Source Time create_time - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z', eventTime - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z', syslog_create_time - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z', device_timestamp - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS +0000 'UTC'
MDR Determination Change Timestamp mdr_determination_change_timestamp
MDR Determination Value mdr_determination_value
MDR Workflow Change Timestamp mdr_workflow_change_timestamp
MDR Workflow is Assigned mdr_workflow_is_assigned
MDR Workflow Status mdr_workflow_status
Minimum Severity minimum_severity
ML Classification Final Verdict ml_classification_final_verdict
ML Classification Global Prevalence ml_classification_global_prevalence
ML Classification Org Prevalence ml_classification_org_prevalence
Namespace namespace
Network Connection Inbound netconn_inbound
Network Protocol netconn_protocol, protocol
Organization Name orgName
OS Name device_os
OS Version device_os_version
Parent Command parent_cmdline
Parent Effective Reputation parent_effective_reputation
Parent GUID parent_guid, threat_cause_parent_guid
Parent Hash parent_hash[1]
Parent Process ID parent_pid
Parent Process Reputation parent_reputation
Parent Username parent_username
Pod Name k8s_pod_name
Policy ID policy_id
Policy Name poliy_name
Post NAT Destination IP [no field specified]
Post NAT Destination Port [no field specified]
Post NAT Source IP device_external_ip
Post NAT Source Port [no field specified]
Pre NAT Destination IP [no field specified]
Pre NAT Destination Port [no field specified]
Pre NAT Source IP device_internal_ip
Pre NAT Source Port [no field specified]
Primary Event ID primary_event_id
Process Effective Reputation process_effective_reputation
Process Fork PID process_fork_pid
Process GUID process_guid, threat_cause_process_guid
Process Hash threat_cause_actor_sha256, process_hash[1]
Process ID threat_cause_actor_process_pid, process_pid
Process Issuer process_issuer
Process Name process_name
Process Path process_path
Process Publisher Content process_publisher[]
Process Reputation process_reputation
Process Terminated process_terminated
Protocol netconn_protocol
Proxy Hostname netconn_proxy_domain
Proxy IP netconn_proxy_ip
Proxy Port netconn_proxy_port
Remote Domain remote_domain
Remote Is Private remote_is_private
Remote Namespace remote_namespace, remote_k8s_namespace
Remote Pod Name remote_k8s_pod_name
Remote Replicate ID remote_replica_id
Remote Workload ID remote_workload_id
Remote Workload Kind remote_workload_kind
Remote Workload Name remote_workload_name
Replica ID replica_id
Report ID report_id
Report Link report_link
Report Name report_name
Report Tags report_tags[]
Rule Category ID rule_category_id
Rule Config Category rule_config_category
Rule ID rule_id
Rule Name rule_name
Run State run_state
Sensor Action sensor_action
Source IP local_ip, clientIp
Source MAC [no field specified]
Source Port local_port
Target Command Line target_cmdline
Target GUID childproc_guid, crossproc_guid
Target Hash childproc_hash[1], crossproc_hash[1], fileless_scriptload_hash[1], scriptload_hash[1]
Target Name crossproc_name, childproc_name
Target Process ID childproc_pid
Target Reputation crossproc_reputation, childproc_reputation, modload_effective_reputation
Target Username childproc_username, crossproc_username
Threat ID threat_id
Threat Indicators threat_indicators
Threat Name threat_name
Threat Severity threat_severity
TMS Rule ID tms_rule_id
TTPs ttps
USB Device Friendly Name external_device_friendly_name
USB Product ID product_id
USB Product Name product_name
USB Serial Number serial_number
Username process_username, device_username, loginName
User Update Timestamp user_update_timestamp
Vendor ID vendor_id
Vendor Name vendor_name
Watchlists Content watchlists[]
Workflow Changed By workflow_changed_by
Workflow Changed By Type workflow_changed_by_type
Workflow Change Timestamp workflow_change_timestamp
Workflow Closure Reason workflow_closure_reason
Workflow Status workflow_status
Workload ID workload_id
Workload Kind workload_kind
Workload Name workload_name