Carbon Black Cloud includes the following macros that control dashboard searches.

  • vmware_tstats

    vmware_tstats is the default macro that is used in all searches on dashboards. By default, it is configured as:

    tstats prestats=false local=false summariesonly='VMWare_CBC_summariesonly'
  • vmware_tstats_pre

    vmware_tstats_pre is the same as vmware_tstats except that prestats=true.

    To use this macro to search dashboards, replace vmware_tstats with vmware_tstats_pre in all applicable dashboards.

  • VMWare_CBC_summariesonly

    This macro controls whether summariesonly is set to true in the vmware_tstats and vmware_tstats_pre macros. By default, summariesonly=false. Enabling summariesonly improves the performance of searches on the dashboards.

    To enable summaries only, create $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/vmware_app_for_splunk/local/macros.conf and add the following stanza:

    definition = "true"