Users are granted specific permissions based on their assigned role.

Pre-defined user roles are available for selection.

You can also create a custom role to create new roles with specific permission levels. Reference the user role permission descriptions for additional detail when creating custom roles.

When creating a user in a PARENT organization, you are prompted to specify roles for the parent organization and any child organizations you want to grant access to.

In CHILD organizations, you have the option of assigning a role with explicit or implicit access when creating a user.

Explicit Role Assignment

When creating an explicit assignment, the user is denied by default to any organization until a role has been assigned. To create an explicit role assignment select the specific organizations the user should have access to and the role they should have.

You can only assign roles that are less than or equal to your level of access. The roles presented are the highest level of access you can assign across all selected organizations.

Implicit Role Assignment

An implicit role assignment grants the user the selected role across all child organizations for that parent. To create an implicit role assignment, select All current and future organizations.

  • In order to create an implicit role assignment, you must have an implicit role yourself.
  • Any users created before this update have an implicit access to all children, or have the role of “Super Admin” in the parent org.
  • When a parent organization role is set to Super Admin, the same role is applied to all current and future child organizations.