You can parse a file with the connector with the process-file command.


$ cbc-threat-intel process-file --help
Usage: cbc-threat-intel process-file [OPTIONS] [STIX_FILE_PATH] [FEED_ID]

  Process and import a single STIX content file into CBC `Accepts *.json (STIX
  2.1/2.0) / *.xml (1.x)`

  Example usage:

      cbc-threat-intel process-file ./stix_content.xml 55IOVthAZgmQHgr8eRF9rA

      cbc-threat-intel process-file ./stix_content.xml 55IOVthAZgmQHgr8eRF9rA
      -s 5

      cbc-threat-intel process-file ./stix_content.xml 55IOVthAZgmQHgr8eRF9rA
      -c default

  [STIX_FILE_PATH]  The location of the STIX Content file.
  [FEED_ID]         The id of the feed

  -s, --severity INTEGER  The severity of the generated Reports  [default: 5]
  -r, --replace           Replacing the existing Reports in the Feed, if false
                          it will append the results
  -c, --cbc-profile TEXT  The CBC Profile set in the CBC Credentials
                          [default: default]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

The connector will automatically determine the STIX version and use its appropriate parsers. You must pass the file and the required parameters.

Note: You can also use json files.
Table 1. Default Values for the process-file Command
Option or Argument Default Description
STIX_FILE_PATH String, Required The location of the STIX Content file
FEED_ID String, Required The ID of the feed
--severity (-s) Integer (5) The severity of the generated Reports [default: 5]
--replace (-r) Boolean (False) Replacing the existing Reports in the Feed. If false, it will append the results
--cbc-profile (-c) String (“default”) The Carbon Black Cloud Profile set in the Carbon Black Cloud Credentials