The ITSM App includes a dashboard to understand metrics about Incidents.

Two filters apply to all Alert charts:

  • ServiceNow Incident Creation Time filter: Sets the time interval for the time at which incidents were created in Carbon Black Cloud.
  • Profile filter: Only data pertaining to selected profiles is included in the charts.

The Incident Metrics Dashboard includes the following charts:

  • Alerts with Manual Incidents: Shows the number of alerts that had an incident created manually.
  • Alerts with Automatic Incidents: Shows the number of alerts that had an incident created automatically.
  • Alerts with Open Incidents: Shows the number of alerts associated with an open incident. An incident is Open if it is one of the following states:
    • New
    • In Progress
    • On Hold
    • Resolved
  • Alerts with Closed Incidents: Shows the number of alerts associated with a closed incident. An incident is Closed if it is one of the following states:
    • Closed
    • Cancelled
  • Open Alerts with Closed Incidents: Shows the number of open alerts associated with a closed incident. An alert is considered Open if it is one of the following states:
    • Open
    • In Progress

    An Incident is Closed if it is in one of the following states:

    • Closed
    • Cancelled
  • Assets with Incident: Shows the number of assets associated with incidents.
  • Alerts to Incident Creation: Shows the number of alerts associated with incidents. This chart includes the following filters:
    • Group by one of Type, Severity, Manual Incident, Incident State
    • Stack by one of Type, Manual Incident, Incident State
  • Incident Creation Trend: Shows the number of incidents created over time.
  • Longest Open Incidents: Shows the list of Incidents that have been open for the longest period of time.