For information about the hardening policy for a Kubernetes workload, perform the following procedure.

See also Kubernetes Hardening Policies.


  1. On the left navigation pane, do one of the following depending on your system configuration and role:
    • If you have the Kubernetes Security DevOps or SecOps role and your system has only the Container security feature, click Inventory > Workloads.
    • If you have any other role and your system has Container security and other Carbon Black Cloud features, click Inventory > Kubernetes > Workloads.
  2. Click the hyperlinked name of the Workload in the second column.
  3. Click the Hardening tab.
    The Hardening tab shows the following hardening policy information for this workload.
    • Name
    • Scope
    • Rule Compliance

      Rule Compliance section on the Hardening Policy page for a workload

      In the Rule Compliance section, you can select specific categories to view or you can view all categories.