Live Response is a powerful capability that provides remote access to endpoints. All Live Response sessions and commands should be closely monitored.
Pay special attention to the create process
, kill
, and put file
commands. Some SOCs fire an alert whenever a Live Response session is initiated.
The following search lists each endpoint and user combination together with the actions, commands, and details of each session.
eventtype="vmware_cbc_auditlogs" description="*liveresponse*" | eval description = replace(description, "[\r\n]","") | rex field=description "LiveResponse\s+(?<device_name>[^\|]+)\|Action\s+(?<action>[^\|]+)\|URL\s+/live\-response\?deviceID=(?<device_id>\d+)\|(Details\s+(?<details>.*))?" | rex field=details "\"name\": \"(?<command>[^\"]+)\"" | iplocation src | eval location = case(Region = "", Country, City = "", Region + ", " + Country, 1=1, City + ", " + Region + ", " + Country) | stats values(action) as actions, values(command) as commands, values(details) as details, values(location) as locations, by device_id, device_name, src, location, user