Use the Modify Registry Key Information on Asset SOAR action to set the value of an existing registry key.

  • This action can be run from an alert and from a device. It can be run on only one alert or device at a time.
  • This action can be performed on Windows devices only. If the action is performed on devices other than Windows, the error message: Action can only be performed on devices with WINDOWS OS displays.
  • When the action is performed, the popup window shows the mandatory input fields, which are:
    • Registry key path
    • Registry value name
    • Registry value data
    • Registry value type
  • Registry value type options are:
    • REG_SZ (default)
    • REG_BINARY (only binary strings are allowed)
    • REG_DWORD (only integer values are allowed)
    • REG_QWORD (only integer values are allowed)
  • After successful completion of this action, the new value will display in the specified path in the Registry Editor of the asset.