To add or delete an enforcement preset, perform the following procedure.

Note: You cannot delete a preset that is currently in use.


  1. On the left navigation pane, click Enforce > K8s Policies.
  2. Click the Rules tab.
  3. Locate and double-click the rule that has enforcement presets.
  4. In the Rule Details pane to the right, click the Enforcement Presets dropdown menu.
    All available presets for this rule display.
  5. Locate an enforcement preset, click the dropdown menu, and select an action.
    • To update the value fields of the preset, select Edit and save your changes.
    • To delete the preset, select Delete and confirm your action.
    Note: If the preset is used in a policy, the dropdown menu is deactivated.


After editing the preset, existing workloads are not changed until they are re-deployed in the environment.