To investigate Kubernetes alert details in the Carbon Black Cloud console, perform the following procedure.

This page only describes Kubernetes alert details. For more information about the Alerts page, see View Alert Details in the main Alerts section of the user guide.


This topic assumes you have conducted a search for Kubernetes alerts and are viewing the search results. Before you proceed, see Search for Kubernetes Alerts.


  1. For details about a specific alert, click the arrow Right arrow icon at the right of the alert row. The Alert Details panel includes the following Kubernetes information:
    Screenshot of Kubernetes alert details
  2. To open a specific workload page, click View more next to K8s Workload. See View Kubernetes Workloads.
  3. To access more information about any aspect of the alert or workload, click the relevant hyperlink in the panel. For example, you can view the associated risks and vulnerabilities by clicking the numbers next to Configuration risks or Vulnerabilities in the K8s Workload Risk section.