The compatibility matrix provides information on the supported combination of Carbon Black Container Operator and Kubernetes Sensor that are required to set up your Kubernetes clusters.

The supported Kubernetes platforms for all versions are:

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

For other supported platforms, please contact VMware.

For more information regarding the Operator and the Kubernetes Sensor, see Adding Clusters and Installing Kubernetes Sensors.

Kubernetes Version Operator Kubernetes Sensor
1.16 - latest 5.1 2.0-latest
1.16 - latest 5.0 2.0-latest
1.16 - latest 4.0 2.0-latest
Note: Onwards, the Kubernetes sensor version sequence changes from 21.9 to 2.0.
1.16 - latest 3.3 21.9
1.16 - 1.21 3.0 21.4 - 21.7
1.16 - 1.21 2.0 21.0 - 21.3