This article describes how to configure a proxy for Windows after the sensor has been installed.


This procedure requires that you have RepCLI authentication. For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the User Guide.


  1. Place the sensor into bypass mode:
    repcli bypass 1
  2. Confirm that the sensor is in bypass mode:
    repcli status
  3. Shut down the sensor service:
    repcli stopCbServices
  4. As a best practice, create a backup of the cfg.ini file into another directory. For Windows sensor versions 3.6 and earlier, cfg.ini is located at C:\Program Files\Confer\cfg.ini. For Windows sensors 3.7 and later, cfg.ini is located at C:\ProgramData\CarbonBlack\DataFiles\cfg.ini. After you successfully complete the procedure, delete the backup file.
  5. Edit cfg.ini in a plain text editor.
    1. If the following parameters exists in cfg.ini, remove them:
    2. Add the following parameters:
      ProxyServerCredentials=[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD] (Optional- if proxy requires authentication)
    3. If the original proxy is still functioning, add the following value to override the previously used value. This option is only available in Windows sensors 3.6+.
  6. Save cfg.ini.
  7. Restart the sensor service:
    sc start CbDefense
  8. Take the sensor out of bypass mode:
    repcli bypass 0
  9. To force an immediate check-in (optional):
    repcli cloud hello