Review the following examples of Windows sensor installations.

Important: Asset Groups is available to Carbon Black Cloud customers on 27 November 2023. Carbon Black recommends that you upgrade from Sensor Groups to Asset Groups as soon as it is operationally feasible for your organization. Sensor Groups will be phased out by 01 December 2024. See Asset Groups and Sensor Groups in the User Guide.

The following commands should be on a single line. For documentation formatting reasons, they may appear here on several lines.

Note: If the company code contains special characters (!, #, @, $, etc.), you must wrap the company code in double quotation marks. For example: COMPANY_CODE="XXXXDKIHWKH@ORFXXXX".

Base Install using a Company Registration Code

msiexec /q /i C:\Users\UserFolderName\Desktop\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ 

In this basic install example, no policy is specified; therefore, the sensors are assigned to either the Standard policy, or to a policy that an Asset Group or Sensor Group specifies (if Asset Groups or Sensor Groups are defined and the sensors match group criteria).

Base Install into a Specific Policy

msiexec /q /i C:\Users\UserFolderName\Desktop\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ POLICY_NAME=Phase1

Using the POLICY_NAME (policy assignment option) assigns the sensor to the specified policy. To use Asset Groups or Sensor Groups to determine a policy assignment, omit this option.

Note: For Windows sensors prior to 3.8+, replace POLICY_NAME with GROUP_NAME.

Configure RepCLI Authenticated User AD Group

msiexec /q /i C:\temp\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ CLI_USERS=S-1-2-34-567
Note: For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the User Guide.