With the Carbon Black Cloud Windows 3.6 sensor and later, if a failure occurs during an initial install or uninstall, the endpoint will be returned to the state it was in prior to the attempt.

If a failure occurs during initial installation of the sensor, the sensor will rollback any changes made to the system. This includes files, services, and registry artifacts that were removed, thereby leaving the system in a clean state to reattempt installation. This rollback does not harm other services or files on the endpoint.

If a failure occurs during the uninstall of a sensor, the sensor will roll back any changes including files, services, and registry artifacts. This rollback does not harm other services or files on the endpoint. The endpoint continues to check into the console and is controlled through its designated policy.

With the Carbon Black Cloud Windows 3.7 sensor and later, rollback is supported for upgrade scenarios. If a failure occurs during sensor upgrades, the endpoint will be returned to the state it was in prior to the upgrade attempt by rolling back any changes including files, services, and registry artifacts. This rollback does not harm other services or files on the endpoint. The endpoint continues to check into the console and is controlled through its designated policy.

The following table describes types of rollbacks that different sensor versions support:
Table 1. Rollbacks supported by sensor versions
3.5 and earlier 3.6 3.7 and later
Fresh install Not supported Supported Supported
Uninstall Not supported Supported Supported
Upgrade Not supported Not supported Supported
The following table describes the expected final sensor state when failures occur while upgrading from different sensor versions:
Table 2. Sensor states
Upgrading from Upgrading to Upgrade failure point System state after upgrade Additional explanation
3.5 3.7 or above Uninstall of 3.5 System could be left with partial 3.5 3.5 did not support uninstall rollback
3.5 3.7 or above Install of 3.7 System left with no sensor 3.5 did not support upgrade rollback
3.6 3.7 or above Uninstall of 3.6 System left with 3.6 3.6 supports uninstall rollback
3.6 3.7 or above Install of 3.7 System left with no sensor 3.6 did not support upgrade rollback
3.7 or above 3.7 or above Uninstalling old System left with older version Uninstall rollback supported
3.7 or above 3.7 or above Installing new System left with older version Upgrade rollback supported