Use this procedure to configure a proxy through the cfg.ini file for all distributions.


  1. Extract the contents of the installer package into a temporary directory.
  2. Use the script to install the agent, but do not provide a company code:
    sudo cb-psc-install/
  3. Update the cfg.ini file with the v3.x+ company code:
    sudo /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/cbagentd -d '<COMPANY_CODE>'
  4. Append the following entry in the /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.inifile. You can use the IP address instead of the hostname.
    ProxyServer=<hostname>:<port number>
    Note: The Linux sensor only supports a HTTP non-authenticated proxy server through cfg.ini.
    Table 1.
    Proxy Type IP Format FDQN Format
    HTTP ip:port fdqn:port
    HTTP http://ip:port http://fdqn:port

    Example Cfg.ini settings:

    ProxyServer=<hostname>:<port number>
  5. Start the agent:
    • Centos/Rhel 6:
      • $ service cbagentd start
    • All other distributions:
      • $ systemctl start cbagentd